
This website has been built using a number of different tools and plugins. This section provides links to tutorials, APIs and sources of inspiration so that others may create their own websites.


The map was built using Google maps API V3. Rather than using the standard infowindow the infobubble was used. As the linked example shows it is more customizable than the infowindow. In addition, the "Plaques Map" view was created using google's map style wizard. Finally, the clustering of the markers was achieved using MarkerClustererPlus, with the default markers for clusters altered.


The tabs for the content were created using css. This excellent tutorial by Mike Gauthier explains all.

The background effect was created using processing.js and adapted from code presented in this comprehensive tutorial by Jer. As the <canvas> was used the background is only visible when using Mozilla Firefox.


The majority of the Blue Plaques photos are taken from a Flickr set by Tom Smith. The slideshow on the information page and linking Tom's images in the infobubbles was achieved using the Flickr API.

Specifically, to use images in accordance with Flickr's guidelines the command flickr.photosets.getList was used.


Data used for the site is stored in JSON format. As a lot of editing of data was required, it was necessary to convert the JSONs to .csv files at certain stages.

You can download the converter code used here. This extremely useful converter was created by Christopher Parker.